We are excited to announce that the 47th Annual Queen Wilhelmina Rod Run registration is open for anyone interested in the car show/parade and other festivities. We have not opened registration for vendors at this time, but will soon. If you are interested in being a vendor at this year's event, still reach out to us and we will make note of this and give instructions of how to move forward.
If you are interested in this year's Rod Run, you can print off a registration form from the QWRR website and return to the Chamber Office at 524 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR 71953. If you are unable to print the form off, we would be happy to do so in the office for you.
If you have any other questions regarding registration or this year's Rod Run event, please feel free to reach out to the office via email or phone!
We look forward to another great Rod Run this year and hope to see many familiar and new faces there. Happy registering! :)
Kayla Smith
Administrative Assistant