Deana Dixon at Select Realty
Deana Dixon has been a resident of the Polk County area her entire life. She obtained her Real Estate License in 2017 and currently works on the Select Realty team here in Mena. Deana was introduced to the idea of becoming a real estate agent by a friend. She has worked very hard at her career and holds a GRI Designation, which provides her with more knowledge of the business, helping her to be a more well-rounded real estate agent. Deana works hard every day for her clients to ensure that their dreams can become a reality. She represents buyers and sellers and can assist in buying and selling commercial and residential properties, along with vacant land.
If you are interested in using realty services in the Mena/Polk County area reach out to Deana today. Her contact information is below.
Cell: 479-234-7572
Office: 479-394-7676
1161 Hwy 71 S
Mena, AR 71953